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Digimon World 3 [U] ISO

Sony Playstation / PSX PS1 ISOs

Genre: Role-Playing
Rating: ESRB: E, PEGI: 3+
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Game Description & Reviews:

OverviewDigimon World 3 is the third game in the Digimon World series, where a young boy named Akira enters an online Digital World MMORPG only to be trapped by hackers.
Best Psx Rom rates this game: 5/5

Well, in my opinion it is. I've been playing games since I was a wee chap :P and this game is just great. It will surely change your mind about wang-riding a pokemon game, which is basically the same thing over and over again. Digimon worlds 1-4 are totally different from each other. You should play world 1 also, that one is great. World 2 wasn't too hot, though.

Erico says:

Digimon 3 is a good combination of the digimon series and the role playing turn based system games.
it offers wide range of digivolving variety (with their own pros and cons), pretty easy way to play, and nice plot of stories.
what seems to be an inconvenience to me is the single character availability in every combat. so annoying and sometimes makes the game harder and frustrating -_-
I guess it's 7,5 out of 10 :)

Anonymous rates this game: 3/5

Digimon world 3 is a great combination of 3D, cartoon, and also a card battle system game, but in terms of the battle system, the enemy digimon is very large compared to what you'll normally expect if you've been watching the T.V series. When your own digimon attacks the enemy, they become small, and that is just weird, I wish they'll make a "digimon world part 1" battle system again but this time, having 4-5 digimon  to fight at the same time.
Oh did i mention that the field of the game becomes filled with blue squares that takes too long disappear.
I also wished they put a no encounter skill and a teleport skill for the digimons.

Digi world 3 descrip rates this game: 5/5

You play as a child called Junior who enters an online virtual reality MMORPG called "Digimon Online", which is run by the "MAGAMI" corporation. A terrorist attack on the Internet traps Junior and his friends inside the game and he sets out to stop them with his Digimon partners. Unlike past Digimon World games, battles against wild Digimon are random and the battle system although turn-based is very different from Digimon World 2, the most notable distinction is battles are one on one instead of three on three although you may tag in a different Digimon, battles also feature three types of digivolution; normal, Blast, and DNA digivolution.

SevaanSevant rates this game: 4/5

This game is really a lot of fun, I enjoyed every second of it. Unfortunately, the US version doesn't have the end-game content that the other versions have. Beating this version was something I really regret. I give the Europe version 5/5. but this version is flawed in how the end was handled. Trust me, get the Europe version, or you'll be sorry.

Phantom0x0 rates this game: 5/5

Digimon World 3 What Can You Say As Far As Role-Playing Games Goes This Is The Best One With Furry Little Creatures That Turn Into More Awesome Big Creatures (Yes That Means You Pokémon) 
Basically This Game Is a Pokémon Game for The PSX (No Its Not Literally) You Get Three Digimon from 3 Different Sets and you go around taking out leaders to make it to the big tournament at the end.  As you go through the game there is a group of people that are trying to take over the Digimon World (See Exactly like Pokémon) and of course being the great person you are you stop them.  the one thing people that have played the earlier Games is that the Difficulty level of this game goes up tremendously which if you haven't played the earlier ones that could be a big turn off but if you are a hardcore RPG player you might find it to be a satisfying challenge.

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